Per MD&A Q1 Revenue $ 2 million but per financials $ 8,750I was reading the MD&A statements and it said that Venz sold 675 mesh connections generating $ 2 million in revenue in Q1 however financials only confirm $ 8,750.
What am I missing?
Here is the confirmation in the MD&A report:
Recent Developments (2021) Throughout the quarter ended March 31, 2021, Venzee made significant stride in improving its technology, expanding its partnership base and Mesh Connecters, laying the foundation to meet its revenue goals for fiscal 2021. Venzee achieved a 6,000 Mesh Connector™ sales pipeline, sold 675 Mesh Connectors™, established 400 available Mesh Connector™ channels, and generated $2 million in Mesh Connector™ sales revenue.
Can anyone explain the discrepancy?