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AnalytixInsight Inc V.ALY

Alternate Symbol(s):  ATIXF

AnalytixInsight Inc. is a Canada-based data analytics and enterprise software solutions provider to institutions across various industries. The Company develops and markets cloud-based platforms providing financial content, stock trading, and research solutions for banks, brokers, and investors in the financial services industry. It provides financial research and content for investors, information providers, finance portals and media through its online portal and through its institutional partner Connect platform (collectively referred to as the data services and artificial intelligence business segment). The Company holds a 49% interest in MarketWall S.R.L. (MarketWall), a developer of fintech solutions for financial institutions in Italy. As part of its business-to-consumer (B2C) offering, MarketWall has deployed InvestoPro (InvestoPro), a European online digital trading platform which allows retail investors to trade stocks, bonds, and derivatives.

TSXV:ALY - Post by User

Comment by fivenineron Jun 03, 2021 8:53am
Post# 33317687

RE:What is high close?

RE:What is high close?Dude, as YOU just pointed out, there were 50,100 share traded in the last minute.
I don't think this fits the "high close" strategy you are talking about.

Also, most trades here (and probably most venture stocks) are small trades. Just because it happens at the end of the day, wouldn't mean that it was a "high close".

btw, I don't disagree that this happens with ALY. I have seen 500 share trades in the last few seconds more than a few times. More recently though, it has happened to drop the price.
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