ATH + GXE?...Anyone else noticed GXE and ATH being kept at identical prices all week? Could be a pure coincidence but I watched multiple times this week as GXE and/or ATH traded up they were quickly brought back to match bid/ask of the other. Happened many times. Could GXE and ATH merge w/ 1:1 share ratio? GXE brings reserves and debt free cash flow by end of year and ATH brings reserves w/ some debt but enormous free cash flow? It did strike me as odd GXE bank renewals - which should be straightforward affair - were delayed 1 month. We also heard ATH could have refinancing completed within a month. That month is June and it's almost half over. Could be coincidence but thought it all very interesting. What would combined GXE/ATH company share price be? Certainly more than $0.80 IMO.