RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:When is the peak expectedI wouldn't think so, however who can say. I have a couple of Limit Sell Orders out there for 50, 90, 125, 250 and 500. But I plan on holding onto the majority of my shares and watching this all play out because I'm inclined to believe eventually this company bays dividends eventually and at my basis I'd like to keep the possibility of that Cash Pipeline wide open. When you sell your shares you can never reasonably expect to recover that previous basis.
The same as this is still a speculative play. (One that I'm very comfortable with relative to my investment size. But the opportunity to literally turn on a Cash Faucet in Ten Years as well as how much room I believe there still is till the top would be irresponsible of me.
Then again I'm ok with with my position size, a variety of scenarios includidng tit$ up. I already made one weak handed mistake with this stock and I don't intend to make another. Nobody will be able to call this top. It's a multi year, multidecade tons of variables scenario.