Supply agreements are legally binding!These are supply agreements and I can't state how important they are! This is completely different than a non binding LoI (just a fancy paper about evaluating the product without commiting to it), this is a legally binding contract (most likely with take or pay). What this mean in reality is that the graphene has been evaluated for use in the buyers product! I find this quote to be very interesting "...and that it has the potential to create a demand for graphene that is greater than what NanoXplore is currently capable of producing. all the other parties that are currently talking might have to pull the trigger pretty fast if they want any graphene at all. I suspect that the quantities will be small initially, but if those graphene enhanced products becomes the new norm then they will likely have to build several plants. The best part is that each plant only need 50% capacity utilization to become cash flow positive Here is what paradigm said last November "Forecast Graphene Demand | At its annual meeting, management mentioned that the total apparent graphene demand from all of its purchase order discussions that are underway looks like 120,000 tpa two years out (i.e., December 2022)."