Please Stick to PoetA particular poster you keep attacking should not be your primary reason to post here. When are you going to learn to focus on posting about this company and its industry and leave your nonsense about others out of here? No one buys your deliberate schtick of creating enemies on purpose in order to have someone to bash.
If Poet had nothing as you seem to imply, then they would not have been able to maintain the current market cap they have for such a long period of time. The great stuff is still under the surface as Poet is probably actively working with whom they target to make this company become a leader in their market sector. The management is impressive and when that gate opens, you will see.
Name-calling and put downs are all the schticksters got, ever! They don't even WANT to use the ignore button they keep preaching about while they chastise posters they wish to play with, it seems?