RE:RE:L2 this morning I'm pretty sure that they will never have the 49%, those asian are real shark in business so they will certainly try to get as much as possible. (if they ever sign)
I might also be wrong, maybe they'll get the JOA signed in a few days with 49% partitipation and a reserve report much higher than expected and having Budong back... Oh well, one can dream.
copperplay wrote: Jomag continue to post these as I like seeing them but unfortunately the market does not care or beileve anything and don't blame them
This partner was supposed to get Budong back, that moved to signing JOA when they won Selat May 2019, that changed to signing it with signing PSC in October 2019, that moved to when management were in jakarta Feb 2020 and Sonoro getting 49%, then it was new CEO as old guy was the problem. Now with expecting reserve reports in June that has to passed so next week is critical me thinks for these shares to get to 10 and beyond or back to 5
I am long but nothing will convince me or anyone else unless we see news or 5 - 10 million volume and above 10 cents