When was the last DA announced?If my memory serves me correct it was on April 13th, 2021, not 2020.
Folks it is now over 3 MONTHS, so with many saying DEALS, DEALS, DEALS and what about our PIPELINE that some claim was overflowing with DEALS, DEALS, DEALS, why are we not hearing from the Company on DA’s.
This only leaves me to believe that all that talk was more FLUFF than anything else.
I doubt that we will hear anything else until the Drop Shop is open, for if that PIPELINE was overflowing as some claims, surely we would have had another DA announced by now.
Unbelievable of all the crxp we have heard, the Bull shxt PUMP earlier this year to get rid all the “bad” stuff on the books like the various PP’s etc., run the stock to .41 cents and now we cannot hold even .10 cents.
Management MUST NOW have to show that they are able to regain the confidence of this market or else, we may see .005 cents instead of .015 cents we saw earlier this year before the GREAT PUMP.
These are facts the way I see it, I am still long and strong BUT daily loosing confidence in the ablility of this team to sell all the GREAT stuff we have .
Only time will tell, but time is running out slowly but surely just as the SP is slowly falling lower and lower.
Just a very concerned investor who has been here since 2017.