What am I missing.
OncoQuest Pharmaceuticals Inc market cap = 306.24B KRW = 78,724,000 shares
(306,240,000,000/ 3890 KRW per share = 78,724,000 shares)
(3890 KRW = $4.24 Can per share)
The OncoQuest Inc deal dollar value with (OQP) OncoQuest Pharmaceutical Inc is $300,000.000 US
$300,000,000 US X 1.25 exchange rate = $375,000,000 / $4.24 = 88,443.396 shares of "OQP" OncoQuest Pharmaceutical Inc if OncoQuest Inc is paid out in shares of "OQP" as part of the asset transfer between them. This calculates to be more shares than the total existing outstanding shares of "OQP" (078590 KRW · KOSDAQ)
Things don't add up! Surely I am missing something!!!