RE:Drilling not yet reportedJK : "61,700 meters of drilling has been completed to date, representing approximately 31% of the planned 200,000m program. Results for 150 holes totaling approximately 34,200m have been received and reported to date
could it be that drill cores that do not visibly disclose high grade ore, are being put to the back of the line, thereby resulting in an ever growing percentage of unreported drill cores? "
The obvious high grade candidates such as those displaying visible gold would very likely receive top priority, but the geological team would have the say in what cores are submitted for assay.
Since they are attempting to 3D map the vein structures, they would want as complete a picture as they could.
Here's an example from a report on NUGs' deep drilling in Nevada:
(The cores submitted all displayed the targeted altered rock structure envisioned in their geologic model.
The cores that were not yet in that structure were not submitted).
Logging, splitting, and assaying: Of the total footage drilled (~11,000 feet) in these first three holes ~6,000 feet is core, of which logging identified ~4,500 feet of altered rock warranting splitting and assaying. These intervals were submitted for assaying between late May and the end of June.