Qualcomm's view on Nexoptichttps://www.qualcomm.com/support/qan/member-directory/nexoptic-technology-corp?fbclid=IwAR2sbCebWiksT1v9wHBsP27IslRnpbnac-LeoC-9_iTbSAWeuUo6LlA53zI
NexOptic is led by experienced technology veterans including Rich Geruson, appointed Chairman Q2 2019, and are quickly becoming noticed for solving complex issues in imaging.
quickly becoming noticed for their sinking stock price - 23 cents as of the time of writting, but nothing else.
veteran is a good word to describe the chairman because some people after retiring can't even move the needle.
Qualcomm may have no idea about Nexoptic or, has some idea but they don't care because there are too many other partners.
The page content is probably prepared by Nexoptic and Qualcomm staff like how it sounds without verifying correctness of any of it.