Aphia - convicted of fraud for filing false claims by OIG. 

Adapth - Former CEO was accused of fraud and now company is being investaged for posibble fraud, plus just received a nasty short report for over-estimating organic growth.  

VMD- Flat net earnings and declinig growth, plus just received a scathing OIG report that is still in limbo. 

General industry issues -

1. Rollups out of favor.
2. Disruptive supplychain issues, due to Phillips recall of over 2 million pieces of respritory equipment in the US.
3.Lack of workers in the tight US labor market and rising employee costs to attract them,
4.Rising equipment cost with stagnant reimbursement rates.
5.Insurance companies attacks in reimbursement rates for high margin vents.
6.Lastly, rotation out of poorly preforming health care stocks in general. 

The only trade I see from low liquitity unprofitable rollup Quipt, is a one time pop off the low, if they announce a" move the needle" aquisition. I doubt we see that anytime soon. Maybe later in the year, given their history of how slow they are to pull the trigger, between aquisitions. Other than that, I see no longterm upside for this stock. IMO