Stupid, whining bellyache..O.K., Liked2Whinge, we get it. You "lost" money on this stock.
Of course, we grown ups know that you only lose when you sell for less than you paid.
So, either you sold, or you're whining like a baby to bash this stock.
Did you sell, Like2Whine? Did you?
Did you invest money you couldn't afford to put aside for a while? Did you bet the Back-to-School fund?
Are you whining like a broken record of an infant daycare because this stock isn't going up when you want it to?
Dude, investing's not for you.
Go ask someone to change your diaper.
Meanwhile, this stock has gone down so much that there's pretty much only upside left. Lots of meat on the bone for investors who can actually afford to park their money for a while...!
And what kind sub-moronic gacker cries like a baby because Tripp "only" invested 9K? Are you his financial planner?
You can barely pull yourself together - I can't believe you're even an adult.
After taxes, 9K comes to about 3-4% of the man's take home income. I consider 9K a solid show of confidence in the value of the stock.
If you're a stupid gambler who puts enormous sums he can't afford to,park on any stock, that's your problem.
Nobody has to prove anything to you.
Nobody owes you anything.
This is the stock market. It's not for babies.
If you make bad decisions and don't balance your portfolio, that's your problem.
And frankly, your little daily tantrums and drama are of no interest to anyone.
So wipe your eyes, blow your nose and stop acting like a little bee-yotch! We're not your babysitters.