TSFA Pot Co's?MF has 3pot co's for your TFSA... why wait 4yrs, WEED should see that return in 1yr or less if the current self induced crisis can get corrected and squared away...while most of the news/ pundits continue to comment on the historical from CGC.
We will get a bit better picture of the Klein effect in FQ2/22 report in a couple of months, albeit not the best economic environment along with all the change but the legal status state side will be the main factor...the Biden effect, he is sinking fast of late in the poles and the illegal drugs are pouring across the US/Mex border by the ton daily. It is always darkest beffer the storm...sunny skies are due for those that own. A 4bagger on profit realized by the back half of FY2022 would be sunny for those that own. JMHO...Opt
TFSA Investors: 3 Pot Stocks That Could Turn $6,000 Into $25,000 by 2025 | The Motley Fool Canada