Your BEST bet now is PYR, with a $10 SP within 2 months! Do you know many stocks that will double within 2 months? PYR will. Well If you believe PYR CEO is credible and in Peter you trust, than PYR will get in +$60M minimum of signed contracts within the next 2 months. And the SP will at least more than double from $5 to $10. And this what you and me and the market expect and want. And it's not me but Peter who told us April 16 he could get a minimum of $65 M of signed contracts within the next 6 months, meaning now within the next 2 months. Shorts are starting to smell the heat of the torches and are starting to fly before they get burned. Time to buy their give away shares before the big orders are signed. Are you ready to double your investment? I am! Good4You