RE:Poor Kapitano StuffIt Poor Stuffy owns nothing, except his day trading dreams, and BS around putting in orders that he retracts. LMAOROF. The closest he will come to flight is with balsa wood gliders, as he sniffs the glue of his model making kit. B77777777777777777777 yeeeeee haaaaa
JuIieRichards wrote: Playing with his stuffed pillow with a B777 pillow case cover. Closest he comes to flight is watching Cessnas at Springbank. As for givemeabreak, LMAOROF... fond memories of his 1979 journey from Moncton to Houston... by bus. Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaa. These clowns need a supplement to their OAS, and a steady supply of Depends. Now, you old geezers have a real safe Labour Day.