JC & the Sunshine Band...or is it just a popsicle?I thought your comment was a bit relevant, and you've sold and you have been honest, well, I've not and in fact ive bought a bit more down here in the pit. I, like only a few, have actually taken the time to chat with Ivan.....
A lot give up so early, including the popsicle, well, thats not me or my style, I have been fortunate to have made a lot of money over the years, because of Rick Rule and therefore I was introduced to Ivan and company early.....
and have made a lot, not a little money.....
J 103 If I had some where else to go, I still will stay the course, has any one seen #4...;-)
Let summerize it for you, a narrow vein but hugley significant! Clearly, there is more around, try and remember the dimension of a drill pipe...a tell tail sign of more to be found.....
well funded and more drilling, very exciting....see if I am right, Im not good being wrong!