Orchestrated manipulated pullback I concur.
This is an orchestrated manipulated pullback. This pattern is well documented.
The ASK was always in minority versus the BID since the stock last traded @5.14$ around 1:00pm and the stock price kept going down no matter what!
This is a sign that some are accumulating via a manipulative pattern. We've seen this on so many stocks, so oftently.
It's one of the sign that your stock is being manipulated. So no need to sell. It's only a matter of time before the stock price spike.
Bajabeacher - (9/27/2021 2:53:45 PM) Final clean up I do believe today is the final cleanup of cheap shares. Last two pages of trades were all odd lots like 1 share and less than 100. JMHO...I think the manipluation is about to end very soon and we will see a rise in the share price, to reflect future growth potential....Beachbum