Sue Has Flat Out Said..NO NASDSAQ Listing UNTIL they Have "POP" (Major News that is Share Worthy) !!!!! What is the confusion ??????
She delayed it until Q1 2022, so that speaks volumes to a SMART Investor on what is
"What we currently don't know".........are you serious, They (company) Have TOLD US Everything they Can, and any SMART Investor(s) sees the bread crumbs they have put out......... still a Risk, Yes...Want a Guarantee, go buy a TBill !!!
You can know see that only a few will make serious money in this stock with the buy and hold......I have been in bio techs for years and in MO........exro is in THE phase 3 trial.........MO
I just don't get the whining from so many long term posters now......I wish they would sell and go
Tutes are NOT Needed at this point...they will go for the Bigger Money Soon....I would say 100 Million plus...imhop
Don't need a new PR department just pumping the company for NO reasons, and yes, not getting back to a question is