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Almonty Industries Inc T.AII

Alternate Symbol(s):  ALMTF

Almonty Industries Inc. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in the mining, processing and shipping of tungsten concentrate, as well as the exploration and evaluation of its projects. The Company operates through four segments: Los Santos Mine, Panasquiera Mine, Valtreixal Project, and Woulfe. The Los Santos Mine is located in Spain whose operations relate to the exploration and mining of Tungsten. The Panasqueira Mine is located in Covilha Castelo Branco, Portugal, whose operations relate to the exploration and mining of tungsten, as well as the production of copper and tin concentrate by-products. The Valtreixal Project is located in Spain whose operations relate to the exploration and evaluation activities of the Valtreixal tin/tungsten project. Woulfe’s properties are located in Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea. The Woulfe's operations relate primarily to the exploration, evaluation and development of the Sangdong Project.

TSX:AII - Post by User

Comment by blueskieson Oct 26, 2021 11:12am
Post# 34049862

RE:RE:IIF International Investment Forum Presentation

RE:RE:IIF International Investment Forum Presentation I too appreciated Lewis Black's comments on shareholders in the Almonty presentation.

It was good to hear him confirm there is one, and only one condition left outstanding before drawdown occurs. I am hopeful the drawdown will help move the stock price back over $1.00. I also found it useful hearing the expected completion date for the molybdenum resource update (before year end). I hadn't seen anything recent on the drilling progress or timing.

I have found Lewis Black to be patient and forthcoming with clear information on questions I have sent to Almonty in the past.

He and their team continue to impress me and I hope I'm not naive to say I trust is motivations and his judgement.
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