Updates!?Where is the information on what is happening with the Brazil 500 unit order, Mexico approval, spain skin screening initative (2018), and any of the other pumped initiatives that Mike has referenced in various videos (imminent large scale pilot programs)?
The product seems great but do these MedX leaders have the capabilities of delivering? Right now it does not look that way. From a recent browsing in SEDAR of new releases it is evident that there are plenty of advisors and directors that have been onboarded in the last 2 years with very very little to show. If this product is so great why are businesses not jumping at the possible revenue potential of this service? What are we missing? SIAscopy revenues are trending to be worse in 2021 then 2020...how is that possible? Spare me the COVID excuses...
I am becoming very disheartened with this investment and expect much more from a company that makes the sort of claims it does.