RE:RE:CEO JAMES PASSIN EVERYBODY KNOWS BIOV IN BED WITH TRACESAFEChaseAckland wrote: Not familiar with Tracesafe, but as an investor he would naturally be on several boards. The other board members and senior management have nothing to do with Tracesafe,so how can they be 'in bed' with that company?
Uhh oh let me count the ways "how being a board member" is being in bed together!
First hand all board members of all boards....... have all the info on whats coming down the pipes in all companies.
All discoveries, acquisitions, insider buys, issues of concerns, blah blah blah ALL board members have that knowledge BEFORE it???
Not only is that a huge advantage for insider family and friends lol, but they have the comradery, being on many enhance each others wallets with that BEFORE information.
Every fuking newswire that gets spit out, MASSIVE volume trades PRECEED the day of the newsire posted!! RIGHT????...........right????
Brokers sell on news and REtail BUYS on news....RIGHT???? again!!
That is called "LEAK ON NEWS" they get the news FIRST before the newswire gets posted.
The more octupus arms connecting different board members is the financial comradery, the more that money is in bed together, for sheer prosperity! got it??
Being in bed together more times than not ....IT'S.......about the.....
"WHO you know, not what you know!"
Hence Tracesafe FDA connections and mindset FDA connections and and and......their future plans and goals, what their burn rate is..... blah blah blah ALL enhance BIOV and visa versa.....posting they are in bed together, they share the news around the water cooler!! Got it?