RE:RE:RE:RE:CEO JAMES PASSIN EVERYBODY KNOWS BIOV IN BED WITH TRACESAFENOPE NOT a single worry in the world about MM!!! all capital letters. CSE regulators and board members do not give a fying shyte about the stock forum sandbox bb's. lmfaso
Have you never seen the HUMONGOUS white crime that is executed on these penny stocks by insiders????
Now that is something CSE should look at!
Everyday for decades white crime is everywhere on these penny stocks, so posting insider leaks news ahead of retail is OLE OLE NEWS.
OMG how old are you?? The last thing you need to worry about, are bb posts, they not only NOT move the needle ever on an sp BUT BUTT what's so funny in your post actually think MM gives a flying shyte about wats posted. hahhaha oh the tears of laughter gut wrenching funny!
Hang in tiger sp is going down! yummy yum!!