Post thumbs up count...I've had that happen to me as well silent, but the only time I really scrutinize those is when you get a poster with zero points and a brand new profile and they spam your board for a different company altogether. I end up remedying doing some steps in this order:
1/Check the date the user's profile was created(and almost always it was same day as spam post)
2/Then click the "report abuse" tab on the post, a menu of what was the abuse ie.spam, vulgarity, defamatory, etc will come up, select one and send it with a message stating to admin. to "please delete this profile".
3/Click on "user profile" and select "ignore user" then I'll never see them again.
I had always hoped admin here would do there job and delete the spammer but as you say they are invisible.
Not sure if anyone else bothers but in the end the number counting many times doesn't jive...hope it helps!