Key info from today's N/R on the Mount Olive/N J contract We finally get some idea,on the results of one of many pilot programs, incidently, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME . . That's a ''key '' takeaway that I personally have never seen, and never been able to get via calling the company. Gives us all a very confident path forward .----- NOW: Next thing I need to know , and CANNOT get from the company is : This OEM options from I/C bus , and Thomas Bus . Is our options at new build level just ITSS installation, or can both manufactures install Gatekeeper protector options/cameras hardware/software , at the OEM level . -------- I talked exclusively today,to a 80 bus operator in Ontario , that says all he can get when ordering his new I/C busses (5) is ITSS , and he opted ''out''. ---Gatekeeper will not confirm to me any further info when I called. ---I'd like to know ?------- Really, ''key factors all our investors should know ''.----------- The combination of ''Clarity'' for larger operators, and ''Protector', for all others , is a huge,key option that ,HOPING/Our new incomming partner ? , can help sell , and realize to fruition.