KK VideoThank you for those who posted the KK video. There is no doubt that Ken expresses that Treaty Creek is undoubtably exceeding his expectations and he is extremely excited on what they have found and what is yet to come.
My take is that the following for Goldstorm
7.9 M ounces will be converted into M&I at a higher GPT than .79
This years resource calculation will be based off of approximately 1.4 billion tons
I think we will have over 30-35M ounces of M&I in next calculation plus and additional 10M ounces of inferred, these new added ounces will be higher overall grade.
They will confirm in the next release what has been hinted at that DS-5 goes all the way to Eureka coming up towards surface. Ken states in the video this target is 1km x 800 m! Ok...Wow.... how many ounce could this equate for......another 30-40M or more?
He is yet to target the center of the mass, and intends to next year. Center off mass = higher expected grades. The best targets on GS have yet to be drilled.
Extensions to NW, is really gaining strength with hole 113 w2, expect some surprises in next release, The CS-600 is becoming a superstar domain. This area is going to add a ton huge amount of tons
They can start off with drilling Eureka right beside the lower camp 24hrs a day heading all the way to GS
The New CBS discovery zone
Ken is very excited about this as he talks at length, lots said, is it the source of all the gold at Treaty or a VMS? time will tell.
So many other thigs in the video including the potential of a Valley of the Kings 2 on the treaty property as well. It is a must watch video for anyone who has invested in TUD, TUO or AMK.
I am very happy to have had the opportunity to accumulate over the past year or so and look forward to the next news release!