Find the number of companies Beaty has started that have gone under and left their shareholders out to dry and then find the number of companies Beaty has killed it for. In order to sell a start-up, you have to build a company. Period. I agree that money is made when a company is sold. But you have to build a company first you cant just sell air. They are building a company now. Last year 400oz production, this year 600oz, next year 800 oz, 2024 1 million oz. You're right about opportunity cost of owning gold miners vs. Oil over the past 1.5 years. But if you werent playing oil and gold (and copper, etc.) then you werent playing the commodity boom correctly. I wouldn't have been surprised to see gold have a massive breakout considering current inflation numbers and have oil lagging because the middle east is sitting on so much excess supply. But that didnt happen. Could gold outperform oil over the next 2 years? Of course it could. But no one has a crystal ball and if you want to try to guess which commodity is the one to run up then go for it. Much better to have a diversified portfolio. From that standpoint I love owning a gold company that will likely appreciate as they construct new mines, regardless of the price of gold.