Political viewIf you want to talk politics then my veiw is... republican puppet fox News anchor's were all telling there viewer's a ly! As we now know from text message that were recently released... Even that lying bi*** Donald duck's son! Over all you f***** Donald duck supporters are brain dead and do the world a favour, and jump off a cliff! You f**"" are a cancer. Any One with basic common Sense can see what this dinosaur party republicans are doing!!! Killing democracy in the land were it came from! Only good republican was senator John Macain! Who stood up to this f**** Nazi trump! But every other republican in office were scared and didn't back him up cause scared like little bit**** thery are! And now again they will tell the big ly! Oh they stole the election from us! Bla, bla, bla... republican party is terrific of any thing that's not white and they have a vice president that's not White ,goggle, Twitter, Mastercard etc many big tech is runned by asian decent,so you dying dinosaur's get use to it... Ask your self why this Nazi trump is not showing his taxes and trying so hard not to! Cause garunteed we Will find something we're monies are coming from and other possible not so great gains! Now sure everything is down not just oil, but yes this new vatient (omicron) is my over played, but soon as More info on it and they figure out this inflation, interest rates etc, things will and usually pan out for the good! market's don't go up straight every day! Just if you can stomach it, go enjoy your self maybe have a drink with your loved one, enjoy the holidays were going into and just enjoy been alive! And Don't worry about suncore! We be fine Everyone have a marry Christmas and a great new year!