RE:Apple?I can't remember where the narrative was coming from (or why for that matter) that we would hear back on the Apple case by Dec/January, but according to Paul Hill on the Q3 conference call, he estimated a timeline of anywhere from a few months up to six months:
"Regarding WiLAN's litigation with Apple in the US, the oral hearing of federal appeals court took place in early October. A ruling could take anywhere from a few months to six months." So, as things always seem to take as long as they possibly can (or longer), I wouldn't start getting too excited until March is approaching. On another note, that same Q3 conference call mentioned a few hearings for the Apple case in Germany:
"WiLAN also has ongoing litigation with Apple in Germany with the first of three hearings having taken place in October, a second is set for later this month and a third scheduled for March." I can't recall where we kind of stand with that right now - anyone have a quick summary?
Tcad123 wrote: Should we expect to hear some news on the Appke case this month? TIA