Agenda making money in stocks !Big reveal picking and promoting my stock investments ! If we knew with certainty we would be on an island or in a chalet someplace what is with all the questions ! If you don't like the management or story don't buy a ticket ! About 86% of retail looses money in stocks because most don't know whether their as.shole is drilled or bored !
Most metals are scarce in the EU with a substantial lack of nickel, iron, zinc, lead and copper and the region is completely dependent on imports of metals such as tin, cobalt and molybdenum. The demand for metals is expected to continue to be high over the next ten years as well as in a longer-term perspective. Sweden is one of the EU’s leading ore- and metal-producing countries and the Swedish mining industry is in a period of strong growth. The mining industry is of substantial importance to the country’s growth and economy.