Education is the Key to Independence, More Posted the Better..... I think coca, others do a great job, and spend a lot of time updating those that want information.......MO
.... who cares if you use it or not
....... if anyone has ONLY used a broker, then I feel sorry for them on Not doing their own DDD, I Fired ALL my Loser brokers Years ago...they are such Idiots it makes you just go.....UHG !!! MO
.....I don't use just 1 post or, 2,3.... except to put parts of it into my 5 Point Proven DDDDD system if it fits for why I invest in a Company..... and my track record is better than the fools behind a desk with Fat Guts and Poor IQ's.......MO
...... I learned many years ago, it's My $$$$ and I should be responsible for it and ONLY Me, so I do my homeowrk and over the LOng term it has paid off a little above average......MO
..... I have Never Hit the Jackpot with my trading shares, have come close several times but ended up selling way to quickly................ with Exro, I am in to the end above $50 a share or a BO..... I will not sell to early this time....Tell me 1 broker that will tell you that....???? MO
..... But, a broker is Not suppose to be a Black Jack dealer, so don't expect that from them....MO..... they have a small place for certain people.....MO
........1 Super Size JV Coming Right Up, I say a SK hook up and NASDAQ in next 2 weeks, hang on for a Wild Ride...... market is just digesting the rate hikes, and remember..........
.......Exro May Already be approved for NASDAQ... they have the Choice WHEN to List.....MO