Rapid Oxidative Leach Caribou (opinions welcome)
I am like everyone else expecting the next few quarterly reports to reduce debt and improve Trevali's future prospects, in regards to media image, balance sheet and asset development. I am most interested thou in what we have had no news of. I have done some reading lately on the ROL technology. ROL could really be as important as anything else that trevali has in the pipeline.
The potential is massive in terms of value proposition, in terms of what could be achieved. Smelter tc savings, shipping costs, tailings potential etc.
I have seen no information regarding implementation costs.......
But what I am impressed by ...even thou we have had no news yet, is that it is a low energy process...(mechanically and temperature wise).
This is important because even if effiency is low......costs are also very low.
(It will not have to work very well to still be worth doing.)
I am anxious to get news on the tests.
Turning Caribou and the Bathhurst situation into a benefit for TV instead of a liabilty would increase TV's value considerably.