RE:What did it do?Hard for me to decifer exact meaning of your post float, but in reflection of many comments a few years back when I like many others were disappointed with the SP, one of the most useful themes from some posters was "it all depends on the clinic". Well, the clinical data is here, and even more convincing data soon to be released. So, if it truly "depended on the clinic", our time is VERY near! We all expect February 2022 to be a very important month for TLT and it's many supporters.
floatinketucky wrote: Sports fans were itching for some fast paced rev rev revenue... and zoom zoom zoom went the stock price.
But the big voice in the sky was silent on the competition call. Sports fans love popcorn.. yummy yummy with the rev rev revs expectations....
What did it do.. make it in scale?!?? SAY .37 to $6.00USD for the viable option sill on the throttle??
The money still at the checkered flag.. Air is still smelling like hot fuel in the sun..
Smells like burnt rubber too....
Perhaps the track is bit more more open now it seems sports fans.