Isn't it about Root CauseIf you want things to end or never happen again isn't it about the root cause that got it all started in the first place. Blocking the bridge was foolish and this morning it has been cleared, once you affect the Nation you will lose no matter how. It is clear to me though that the gov and private business started all this due to terminating careers for not vaccinating......should have just left the passports to certain establishments and leave the jobs alone Case in point; Friend of my wife 22 year career terminated due to not vaccinating. She can still freely go to these places Auto repair / dealer Pharmacy Clothing Store Hospital / Clinic Hardware Store Flower Shop Dentist Grocery Store Convenience Store Gas Station Mall and too many other places to mention My problem that I can't wrap my head around did removing her from her work place have any kind of real impact on reducing community spread, the answer I can only come up with is for me give her career back already as one step towards ending these illegal blockades The workplace must be the "magic" building as keeping citizens from going there is going to end covid.....I just hope the next time the gov wants to reach an unattainable goal they don't start taking homes away to get there Three things worth fighting for....Family, Home and Job....the gov and private business went too far and are 100% the cause for all of this.....100% vac rate is insane and will NEVER EVER happen period end of story.....triple shot here and believe in the vaccines but not as much as I disagree in firing a perfectly hard working Canadian Citizen who at the end of the day has broken NO LAW OF ANY KIND by not vaccinating