Protecting IP to shore up product line … Just ignore bashers & Shorters don't waste time trying to educate them...
Protecting IP to shore up product line is always good and adds value.
Here's what we know..
- Venowave patented and FDA approved
- InterceptCS & TherOZap now patented using heat to kill viruses
- Over 490 tests validating AcuVid works and exceeds FDA EUA requirements and being submitted anyday once all data, including a bunch of other reactivity data others didn't have to submit, is compiled
- Booz Allen Hamilton study shows FDA medium time for approval is 7 days post compete submission
- THRM believes it will have a complete submission
What more is there to discuss? Stock price that retail investors have little impact on unless all are in for one direction or other? Lol. Jokes on you all.
I'm holding ...GLT those invested for growth only... to the sewers for the bashers and shorters.