Big newsTko Firecracker. Good job on the analisis. Gibrakter production for 2022 is about 100 mill, so 75 mill to tko. Ole slew says your math is wrong. Call ole slew silly but prove him wrong. Its all bout trust. And putatas. Cub bwcg is on a tear. Assay from the wi ter painting program shows a homerun. They arnt even in the core yet. Simply the biggest richest deposit on the planet. Stock skyrocketed this week. Ole slew dubled down. Call ole slew crazy 4sure. Easy 10 bagger by summer. Permit will soon follow. Easy approval cause copper is used in wires and tipping bullets, production possible next year. 1.2 bill to build 80000 tpd plant. Moly gold silver copper rodium and putata oy my oy boy. Marls will 4sure take meback