"A Tale of Two Mines"
The more I think about this, the better I like it. We have 21% more gold which can be mined very cheaply, the whole project has been de-risked and the drilling to come is now focused on “the elephants!”
This is definitely turning into a “Tale of Two Mines,” the Osisko-type low-grade, near-surface gold and the hard rock deep gold which has the bonanza grades.
I believe the wiser among the shareholders, especially those with geologic expertise, are liking this very much and the large investment houses more still as the price of gold heads for two and a half grand!
I will say this with strong emphasis. I have never owned a junior explorer with a better or more responsive crew and that alone is a strong reason to own Maple Gold.
The best is yet to come but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT the train!
Great good fortune to all Maple Gold Mines shareholders, present and future.