scarface9 wrote: You've touched on a concern I have. If someone decided to take them out at this low price I lose even with whatever premium would be offered. I'm down 50% based on today's price, very unlikely they'd get a premium like that.
I don't think they're about to be taken out, but the lower the price drops could increase the risk of an opportunistic bid.
Have you ever looked at GH? I used to own them years ago. They just reinstated a dividend. Haven't made a decision yet, still have others on my list, but always interested in other opinions.
Sorry for a delay, I forgot to bounce in here.
I don't know much about GH or the tech, gaming or gambling sectors so I'm not a good/credible opinion on this, the divided yeild looks interesting and I see why it would show up on the radar, but it's paying less than before but it's heading towards a higher SP, I don't know why and but that raises red flags, also the fact its dividends they have been lowered before. Seems like a yeild trap to a degree, but there might be a reason it looks like this as I've only done a 2 minute surface scan... If it makes a final investment decision you should look deep into it and its high risk and possible high reward.