Finally an updateFrom ol Slew. Sorry 4 the absense. Marls invited me to the house to have a " talk". Steeeve somewhy was there 2. So I was standing at front door and Marls said she had a suprise 4 me and told me to cover my eyes with my hands. I gleefully covered my eyes. Someone ( prolly Steebe) drifted me so hard in the ballsack. When I came 2, i found divorce papers lieing bside me. Ole slew has been on straight putata hooch while I recover. Now the cubs are reallt startin to boil. But 4 tko it looks like headwinds. Tko management has seen permit so share price has this draft baked in. Doesnt look good. 4sure. Look at ame. Assays will lead to an easy 10 bags by june. The nutron tech will add another 8 bags then once motherlode is hit another 20 bags. Fuuckk you marls and steeve