Next 43-101 Technical Report As expressed in the press release, Indicated + Inferred resources currently total 3.4 million ounces. This resource calculation was based on historical data recorded up to November 30, 2020.
Beyond the current resources of 3.4 million ounces, the results of 2 years of additional drilling will be used for the new calculation. Consequently, the new calculation planned for May 2022 should present additional resources and/or better quality resources (inferred --> indicated).
In addition, the historical resources of the Mansounia permit will also be reviewed. Initially, it was planned to exploit these resources by a heap leaching technique. Considering that the treatment will be done by a conventional CIL technique, the recovery rate will be higher and consequently, the resource calculation will have to be adjusted.
Based on the results obtained, the initial capacity of the plant and the potential for expansion will be easier to determine by the management team. The publication of the 43-101 technical report is scheduled for the next few weeks and is part of the conditions to complete the transaction.