He has proven himself once again ...
And he claims to undestand not knowing how this NCIB works in this case. He thinks the company should use its cradit card to buy back 10 % of its shares so that he can trade for a profit while the company is taking what it can out of the market to pay fo4r compensation rather than take thenm from treasury and adding .
Don't you feel sorry for him that the company doesn't have him as their priority ?
MyNameIsNobody wrote: How is this not beneficial, or at least neutral, to current shareholders? Do you think the reasonable adjustement will be lower than the current price, at that time, of the B share?
If the shares are cancelled this will be beneficial, albeit a very small benefit, and if they're used to settle future obligations it's neutral.
I'm not messing with you here, why do you think this is a joke?