Top PickFirst stock in the clip; he and his family also own it personally. GLTA
Premium Brands (PBH - TSX)
Last purchased on April 29, 2022 at $105.19
Premium Brands is one of Canada’s largest food companies and one of North America’s largest sandwich companies. The company is an investment platform which is focused on acquiring and building specialty food businesses in partnership with talented entrepreneurial management teams.
Once acquired, the objective is to turn these well-run, good companies into great companies by providing additional capital and marketing expertise to support growth. The company owns over 50 different brands including Freybe, Duso’s, Oberto, Grimm’s, Bread Garden Go and many other specialty food companies, which are privy to industry tailwinds including increased ingredients transparency, on-the-go consumption, local sourcing and products that are free from antibiotics and unnatural/artificial additives.
The company has a long-term track record of delivering double-digit annualized returns. During inflationary times, food businesses enjoy particularly strong pricing power as everyone needs to eat.
Premium Brands Holdings Corp(PBH-T)
15/05/2022 at 08:00pm
It caters to regionally produced food that is healthier, etc. Has a great long term record with a short term stumble. Has grown at 15% for 15 to 20 years. Organic growth is at 7% and acquisitions take this to the 15% level. It is off 25% but earnings estimates are not much changed. The business has really grown in the past 5 years but the stock price hasn't kept up. Also it can pass along cost increases. Buy 8, Hold 2 ,Sell 0 (Analysts’ price target is $140.90)
Teal Linde