Up and Down Oil goes down being dragged along with the broader market , recession fears , this subsides and things won't be as bad , soft landing , some good news thrown in , and the broader market recovers , oil - CPG recover Along with it
The big thing is , we are trading over 65 dollars a barrel so things are amazing we should be $12 dollars a share !
OOOH ..... we are trading above $80 - CPG should be $15 a share
AAAND - we are trading above $90 so we should be trading at $18 a share
BUUTTTT------ we are trading over $100 a barrel consistently for / months and we should be trading at $20 dollars a share
FINALLY IN 6 more months when debt is dealt with , we should be at $20 dollars minimum a share at $60 dollar oil holding production steady
So I think sometime around most likely the few weeks prior to 2 Q earnings we will finally be priced Separate from the broad market. Right now aside form the initial uptick in Oil prices , we have been treated as if something might be breaking , when the leval of comfort at these share prices is $50 dollars.
You know it's becoming predicable , but once you see a pattern , and you think you got it , it changes !
Eventually we will be judged as a sector alone , and not as the whole market , that was over blown as much as we were under appreciated !!
Things are going to be very good over the next 8 to 10 weeks.