RE:Question???No depending on the grade of oil there is a discount. The discount on the heavy oil is pretty steep right now running around 18 bucks. Not as bad fo the medium and light. You have o account for the differemtials and the currency. Still very good pricing. The only thing that could hurt is some heding losses on Q3 and Q4 if oil continues to climb. Imo they should only buy puts to keep upside in place. The assets arent great and it is not cheap compared to some others but still lots of upside potential. IF you look at what they are priced per flowing barrel they are actually more expensive than some other names but still very cheap. I think last run got a little ahead of itself at 1.94 but it's been consolidating around 1.4-1.65 and now we could get an easy 20-30% from here short term.