Battening down the hatchesA solid conservative E letter... This downturn in the mining sector is not dino's first rodeo so the prudent approach is registered and understood.
In my estimation, metal pricing and metal demand growth projections are still super bullish. The junior miner;s problems stem more from the wider economic malaise than the typical, boom and bust cycle for the mining sector.
Treaty creek is the company's flagship opportunity, so it took center stage. It speaks for itself. Even with their heads down Tudor is due to make incredible strides in exploration at the treaty creek project. Hopefully the 2000 meter Hail Mary drill holes are well underway... and while the results must speak for themselves... their explosive potentiality could possibly be a game breaker.
The Harry opportunity is intriguing, and Optimum is cashed up and about to expend a bundle on it this exploration season. If i recollect correctly they are committed to spend close to $2 million at Harry this exploration season... I need to fact check the exact expenditure number, but it will definitely be significant...
I was looking over an ascot document pertaining to the neighboring Dilworth area. I was surprised at the drilling and exploration work they did in the area. I didn't draw any conclusions from the ascot material, but i did notice there is a short fault running from the troy showing onto the harry property in the general area of of what looks to be like the milestone showing. There was sporadic drilling very close to the common property line with the harry property as well. So optimum's area of interest on the Harry property may only be unique in the sense that it has been exposed by the ablation of the salmon glacier. ... and then maybe the Harry area of interest is relatively lower down the mountain ... and perhaps lower the mineralizing deposition system... The deposits to the south are at relatively lower elevations.... so??? who knows ...what the lower elevations in the area of interest and the putative sighting of the Premier porphyry in the vicinity of the Milestone and S1 showings represent -- only the drill bit can tell...
While a prudent and a responsible approach to operating a mining company given the current market disinterest in the mining sector is the right way to go .... I was still disappointed by the third page of the E letter...
I enjoy the home run swings for the fences and teuton has made some good ones. They are an adrenaline rush... I wish the company was a little more enthusiastic about the way it presented the exploration potential and opportunities for this exploration season... Without the dreams, the mining exploration business can get kind of tedious after a while.. The yellow caution flag may be showing but the race is still on...