RE:Recap of what’s in the oven then do the recap yourself there Dividends instead of your incessant (and useless posts).....
you ignorant clown, you whine and complain daily.... do some research yourself you lazy twot....
like one other poster calling you Dividense.... you are dense and dimwitted....
you have no problem complaining but fail to actually see any good with what is going on with PyroGenesis......
PyroGenesis is just getting started, this train is just getting a rolling'......
PYR is the real deal and I'm therealmccoy
Dividends wrote: I'd like a recap of all the things we think will materialize in 2022.
Things have a way of getting delayed and it makes investors sell. I want to be cautious around that.
from memory:
-sent out 100KG powder order. Should be ordering more
- plasma torches what we got? Client A and B?
- Dros 1 or 2 clients doing trials?
for waste destruction. There should be a marketing plan. Do all the municipalities know about our services?