RE:Looks like someone is "Hacking Spectral's public data" ....Sorry, I rushed the first offering, here is a more grammerically correct version 1.35 ; - )
Thanks to those up at 1:30 am bringing this important detail to the attention of others, both the "educated and the NAIVE".
Bear in mind, DIALCO our "wholly--owned" subsidiary "whisked away" from under the EDT ticker symbol in the blink of an eye for "private company safe-keeping" does has 2 VERY important, state-of-the-art products:
The SAMI - FULLY FDA approved in 2018
The DIMI - FDA approved in 2020 and waiting on 2 @ 6 week studies, one in-home and one in-clinic for full FDA approval that includes home use. The DIMI is already FULLY apporved for hospital, nursing home and in-clinic use across North America.
DIMI Canada - the DIMI unit is already FULLY approved for in-home use in Canada and it's 36 MILLION people.
Further to the "HACKING OF PUBLIC" data, have a look at the Spectral LinkedIn page where these curious and timely numbers are being "offered" It claims on the Spectral LinkedIn page that PMX (our current phase 3B FDA trial blood filtration product), has been used on 100,000 patients. This is totally wrong and has likely been altered buy sum form of "internet hacking". The PMX filter has been safely and effectively used on ~ 350,000 patients AND has been fully approved up in Canada since 2003.
Furthermore, I think more internet hacking is affecting our analyst from Paradigm and his rather brilliant coverage of our stock. I have received detailed proof from Canada showing Spectral listed on Canada's top discount brokerage channel being covered ONLY on the US PINK sheets with the rather nefarious EDTXF symbol. Yes, instead of covering the Toironto listed "EDT", somehow the analyst's coverage has been "altered" to show coverage of the EDTXF symbol with NO price target and a nefarious trading pattern with mostly "SHORT trades".
There are many more "strange and nefarious games" being played with "numbers" that I will list throughout the weekend. I believe I may have CV19 and am mostly here on the couch with my trusty 286 and traditional keybored. I will update further, BUT I feel there are clearly sum "ongoing hacks or manipulations" with a variety of numbers that should not be trusted and clearly "questioned" NOT at all surprised, I'll bet ultra-advanced companies on the FDA ' science side are often targets of such nefarious internet manipulation. When you have so many existing FDA approvals and "successes", you are bound to be a target of "nefarious internet hi-jinx and manipulation"
Too bhaaaad for Spectral, as if they need any further headwinds to offset their incredible "tale-winds"
I trust these unusual manipulations are being investigated as we type and read. I would not trust any of the offered internet numbers until the source of the data is "confirmed" Remember the hacking of the former CFO unusual dump of 225K shares ( TWICE ), and of course the 11 to 12% interim data that failed full detail. You could place the 106 SOC and 88 PMX patients from the "data dredged 194 patients of phase 3" in this category as it "washed out" at 89 and 90 without any real explanation.
ONE thing for sure is that we have printed 100 MILLION freshies since phase 3 Euphrates was "offered up" nealry 6 years ago and countless more since "Altercyte" was formed in 2012.
Let's help Spectral out and determine WHO is playing games with numbers..
NICE FIND Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ; - )
Bon appy friends!