In the coming years governments....will become much more aggressive with regulatory limitations for smoking products. Do the simplest cost benefit analysis using the 2 data points below....and it's a bit of a no brainer.
Tobacco use costs nearly $300 billion a year in direct healthcare and lost productivity, according to the FDA.
State and local governments collected $19 billion in revenue from tobacco taxes in 2019, which was 0.6 percent of state and local general revenue. State taxes accounted for 98 percent of tobacco tax revenue in 2019.
On top of that......
It is other harmful compounds in cigarette smoke that are associated with more than 480,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
......while birth rates....(loss of future tax base)....are dropping on a steepening curve!
IF TAAT can execute ....should be an interesting next few biggest potential concern for now...
TAAT Menthol added to the flavoring ban......tobacco lobby?
Lots of variables in play!
It's very tempting at these levels......but macro events definitely must also be considered.
Bit of a dilemma.....a clash between positives and negatives....
Enjoy the day