RE:Just an observationLook .. at the end of the day... the next time the CEO says he has a backlog..
he better darn well have a backlog for the reports.. otherwise yes.. the bashing will start..
dosent matter who is doing the criticism..
they shouldn't have a complaining leg to stand on in the first place if Pat is doing thier job..
and lastly..
Recently the management FINALLY started talking about spending more on marketing and promotion..
how long did it take them to realize that not doing this was a ridiculous decision??
we had been screaming it for months...
it takes a dismissal report for management to realize the rules of basic business economics 101??
that's what people are criticizing..
had they been doing normal business savvy things in marketing & promotion, we would have way more brand recognition..schools & districts would have been calling a long time ago..
now we have to wait for a long tedious process to see these things on a report..
it's simply ridiculous and people have a right to be upset..
making these kinds of excuses and rookie decisions is costing shareholders precious time and money..
all in my personal your own due diligence