RE:2021 NPV $177M US (5%) Theck, Have you personally spoken to anyone at the company recently. I'll and many others are reaching out but getting no response. This is not a good sign on any level. I'm curious if you've spoken to them and if you have what words of reassurance have you received. Personally, I am very surprised we haven't heard a breath or word about a class action lawsuit yet. Attorneys like to jump on these things as quickly as possible as Gold Mountain does have some cash in the bank. It's not like the attorneys will be drilling a dry hole. There's money they can get out of this and return some of it to shareholders. I truly believe it would benefit the company if their CEO Kevin Smith would step forward and speak to the shareholders directly. At a minimum issue a letter of reassurance that the company is on track and give some insight and foresight. It would be the right thing to do.